
홍보센터 한난소식 공고

LNG 도입전략 자문용역 국제입찰 공고(Bid Notice on RFP for Commercial Advisory Services for KDHC’s LNG Procurement Strategy)


Notice on RFP for Commercial Advisory Services for

KDHC’s LNG procurement Strategy

Korea District Heating Corp. (“KDHC”) would like to invite the reputable consulting firm to propose Commercial Advisory Services on KDHC’s LNG procurement strategy for its combined heat and power plants in Republic of Korea.

1. Service to be purchased
 Commercial Advisory Services on KDHC’s LNG procurement Strategy

2. Procedure of Tendering
 International Competitive Tender

3. Qualifications for Tender
 The qualification requirements for participation in the tendering will be an international commercial firm with extensive experience and expertise in LNG industry, particularly in relation to LNG procurement.

4. Determination of the Successful Bidder
 KDHC shall select the preferred bidder in the order of the highest total evaluation score

5. RFP Document
 KDHC shall send RFP document to the qualified commercial firm who proves its commercial advising record(s). The commercial firm who would like to receive RFP shall send supporting materials such as contracts or invoices to KDHC by e-mail below.

6. For further details
 Please contact Mr. Eric Nahm ☎ 82-31-780-4271 or xopowo21@kdhc.co.kr, Ms. Joowon Lee ☎ 82-31-780-4275 or leeleejw@kdhc.co.kr

2023. 8


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